How a restaurant achieved 490% growth on sales of daily specials by using automated employee incentives.


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The Challenge

Brannigans Irish Pub, is a thriving bar and restaurant that was looking for new ways to motivate their staff to sell high margin products. In particular they were looking to increase sales of daily specials. Like many restaurants, they ran sales competitions, but the process of manually managing the competitions was cumbersome. It required, downloading sales reports from their POS, and physically purchasing gift cards for staff.

The Approach

Brannigans decided to implement the SocialCrowd employee incentive platform to motivate employees on selling daily specials. SocialCrowd integrated directly with their POS to track employee performance, sent reminders to them of their progress toward their goals via text and email, and instantly rewarded employees when goals were met.

In SocialCrowd they created an incentive program where employees earned $1 for every 5 daily specials sold.

The automation allowed managers to simply set team goals while the platform made sure everyone
achieved them.

The Results


Growth after 3 months

Avg daily specials sold

Prior to starting the campaign they averaged 8.4 daily specials/employee/month.

After three months of running the incentive that number grew by nearly 500% to 49.3!

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