

Standard Rewards


Custom Rewards


Payroll Direct Deposit

Standard Rewards

Our standard rewards allow you to choose from over 1,800 gift cards, prepaid cards, and more!

Standard Rewards

Our standard rewards allow you to choose from over 1,800 gift cards, prepaid cards, and more!

Custom Rewards

Enable any reward you like from PTO to company swag with our custom rewards feature!

Custom Rewards

Enable any reward you like from PTO to company swag with our custom rewards feature!

Payroll Direct Deposit

Our Direct Deposit feature allows your employees to request their rewards earnings be paid out via your payroll team.

  • Your payroll team can set pay schedules, so employees know when to expect their direct deposit.
  • Employees can choose to have some or all of their rewards paid via payroll
  • Payroll managers will get a convenient report of how much to pay each employee

Payroll Direct Deposit

Our Direct Deposit feature allows your employees to request their rewards earnings be paid out via your payroll team.

  • Your payroll team can set pay schedules, so employees know when to expect their direct deposit.
  • Employees can choose to have some or all of their rewards paid via payroll
  • Payroll managers will get a convenient report of how much to pay each employee